Citations of the publications and related work can be checked at Google Scholar.
S. Frohn, S. Gübner, and C. Lindemann, Analyzing the Effective Throughput in Multi-Hop IEEE 802.11n Networks, Elsevier Computer Communications, 34(16), 1912-1921, 2011. PDF
S. ElRakabawy and C. Lindemann, A Practical Adaptive Pacing Scheme for TCP in Multihop Wireless Networks, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 19(4), 975 - 988, 2011. PDF
S. ElRakabawy, S. Frohn, and C. Lindemann, A Scalable Dual-Radio Wireless Testbed for Emulating Mesh Networks, Wireless Networks (WINET), 2010. PDF
S. ElRakabawy, A. Klemm, and C. Lindemann, TCP with Gateway Adaptive Pacing for Multihop Wireless Networks with Internet Connectivity, Elsevier Computer Networks Journal, Special Issue on Performance of Wireless Networks, 52, pp. 180-198, 2008. PDF
C. Lindemann and O. Waldhorst, Peer-to-Peer Systeme für drahtlose Multihop-Netze, Informatik Spektrum, 29(3), pp. 222-226, 2006. PDF
C. Lindemann and O. Waldhorst, Exploiting Epidemic Data Dissemination for Consistent Lookup Operations in Mobile Applications, ACM Mobile Computing and Communication Review (MC2R) Special Issue on Mobile Data Management, 8, 44-56, 2004. PDF
C. Lindemann, M. Lohmann, and A. Thümmler, Adaptive Call Admission Control for QoS/Revenue Optimization in CDMA Cellular Networks, ACM Journal on Wireless Networks (WINET), 10, pp. 457-472, 2004. PDF
A. Klemm, C. Lindemann, and M. Lohmann, Modeling IP Traffic Using the Batch Markovian Arrival Process (extendend version), Performance Evaluation, 54, pp. 149-173, 2003. PDF
C. Lindemann, M. Lohmann, and A. Thümmler, A Unified Approach for Improving QoS and Provider Revenue in 3G Mobile Networks, ACM Journal on Special Topics in Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), 8, pp. 209-221, 2003. PDF
C. Lindemann and A. Thümmler, Performance Analysis of the General Packet Radio Service, Computer Networks, 41, pp. 1-17, 2003. PDF
C. Lindemann, M. Lohmann, and A. Thümmler, Adaptive Performance Management for UMTS Networks, Computer Networks, 38, pp. 477-496, 2002. PDF
M. Crovella, C. Lindemann, and M. Reiser, Internet Performance Modeling: The State of the Art at the Turn of the Century, Performance Evaluation, 42, pp. 91-108, 2000. PDF
C. Lindemann and A. Thümmler, Transient Analysis of Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Nets with Concurrent Deterministic Transitions, Performance Evaluation, 36 & 37, Special Issue Proc. of PERFORMANCE '99, pp. 35-54, 1999. PDF
C. Lindemann and G. Shedler, Numerical Analysis of Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Nets with Concurrent Deterministic Transitions, Performance Evaluation, 27 & 28, Special Issue Proc. of PERFORMANCE '96, pp. 565-582, 1996. PDF
C. Lindemann, DSPNexpress: A Software Package for the Efficient Solution of Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Nets, Performance Evaluation, 22, pp. 3-21, 1995. PDF
C. Lindemann, M. Malhotra, and K. Trivedi, Numerical Methods for Reliability Evaluation of Markovian Closed Fault-tolerant Systems, IEEE Trans. on Reliability, pp. 694-704, 1995.
G. Ciardo and C. Lindemann, Comments on 'Analysis of Self-Stabilizing Clock Synchronization by Means of Stochastic Petri Nets', IEEE Trans. on Computers, 43, pp. 1453-1456, 1994.
G. Ciardo, R. German, and C. Lindemann, A Characterization of the Stochastic Process Underlying a Stochastic Petri Net, IEEE Trans. on Softw. Engin., 20, pp. 506-515, 1994.
R. German and C. Lindemann, Analysis of Stochastic Petri Nets by the Method of Supplementary Variables, Performance Evaluation, 20, pp. 317-335, 1994.
C. Lindemann and R. German, Modeling Discrete Event Systems with State-dependent Deterministic Service Times, Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and Applications, 3, pp. 249-270, 1993.
C. Lindemann, An Improved Numerical Algorithm for Calculating Steady-state Solutions of Deterministic and Stochastic Petri Net Models, Performance Evaluation, 18, pp. 79-95, 1993.
Conferences (since 2003)
J. Friedrich, C. Lindemann, and M. Petrifke, User Preference-Based Probability Spreading for Tag-Aware Content Recommendation, 3rd IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Systems (DSS 2017), Bangkok, Thailand, December 2017.
S. Bergemann, J. Friedrich, and C. Lindemann, Neighborhood-Aware Opportunistic Networking on Smartphones, 14th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS 2017), Orlando, USA, October 2017.
J. Friedrich, C. Lindemann, and M. Petrifke, Two-level Dynamic Index Pruning, 12th International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM 2017), Fukuoka, Japan, September 2017.
J. Friedrich, C. Lindemann, and M. Petrifke, Utilizing Query Facets for Search Result Navigation, Proc. 12th Int. Workshop on Text-based Information Retrieval (TIR 2015), Valencia, Spain, September 2015. PDF
S. Gübner and C. Lindemann, Aggregation-aware routing in wireless multi-hop networks with frame aggregation, Proc. 5th IEEE Workshop on Hot Topics in Mesh Networking (HotMESH 2013), Madrid, Spain, June 2013. PDF
S. Gübner and C. Lindemann, Evaluating the Impact of Frame Aggregation on Video-Streaming over IEEE 802.11n Multihop Networks, Proc. 4th IEEE Workshop on Hot Topics in Mesh Networking (HotMESH 2012), San Francisco, USA, June 2012. PDF
J. Friedrich, S. Frohn, S. Gübner, and C. Lindemann, Understanding IEEE 802.11n Multi-hop Communication in Wireless Networks, Proc. 7th International Workshop on Wireless Network Measurements (WinMee 2011), Princeton, USA, May 2011. PDF
S. Frohn, S. Gübner, and C. Lindemann, An accurate and analytically tractable model for human inter-contact times, Proc. 13th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWIM 2010), Bodrum, Turkey, October 2010. PDF
S. Frohn, S. Gübner, and C. Lindemann, Analyzing the Effective Throughput in Multi-Hop IEEE 802.11n Networks, Proc. 2nd IEEE Workshop on Hot Topics in Mesh Networking (HotMESH 2010), Montreal, Canada, June 2010. PDF
S. Frohn, S. Gübner, and C. Lindemann, CrossTrace: Cross-Layer Measurement for IEEE 802.11 Wireless Testbeds, Proc. Int. 15th GI/ITG Conf. on Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Computer Systems and Dependability and Fault Tolerance (MMB & DFT 2010), Essen, Germany, March 2010. PDF
Sherif M. ElRakabawy, Christoph Lindemann, A Clean-Slate Architechture for Reliable Data Delivery in Wireless Mesh Networks, Proc. IEEE Wireless Networking and Communication Conf. (WCNC 2009), Budapest Hungary, April 2009. PDF
S. ElRakabawy and C. Lindemann, Practical Rate-Based Congestion Control in Wireless Mesh Networks, Proc. 15. GI / ITG Fachtagung Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS 2009) , Kassel, Germany, March 2009. PDF
S. ElRakabawy, S. Frohn, and C. Lindemann, ScaleMesh: A Scalable Dual-Radio Wireless Mesh Testbed, Proc. 3rd IEEE Workshop on Wireless Mesh Networks (WiMesh 2008), San Francisco, CA, USA, June 2008. PDF
S. ElRakabawy and C. Lindemann, Peer-to-Peer File Transfer in Wireless Mesh Networks, Proc. 4th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Wireless On Demand Network Systems and Services (WONS 2007), Obergurgl, Austria, January 2007. PDF
C. Lindemann and L. Littig, Coarse-grained Classification of Web Sites by Their Structural Properties, Proc. 8th ACM International Workshop on Web Information and Data Management (WIDM 2006), Arlington, VA, November 2006. PDF
S. ElRakabawy, A. Klemm, and C. Lindemann, Gateway Adaptive Pacing for TCP across Multihop Wireless Networks and the Internet, Proc. 9th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM 2006), Malaga, Spain, October 2006. PDF
C. Lindemann and O. Waldhorst, Effective Dissemination of Presence Information in Highly Partitioned Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Proc. 3rd IEEE Int. Conf. on Sensors, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (IEEE SECON), Reston, VA, September 2006. PDF
S. ElRakabawy, C. Lindemann, and M. Vernon, Improving TCP Performance for Multihop Wireless Networks, Proc. 6th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2005), Yokohama, Japan, June 2005. PDF
C. Lindemann and O. Waldhorst, Modeling Epidemic Information Dissemination on Mobile Devices with Finite Buffers, Proc. ACM. Int. Conf. on Measurement & Modeling of Computer Systems (ACM SIGMETRICS 2005), Banff, Canada, 121-132, June 2005. PDF
S. ElRakabawy, A. Klemm, and C. Lindemann, TCP with Adaptive Pacing for Multihop Wireless Networks, Proc. 6th ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc 2005), Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA, May 2005. PDF, ns-2 code
C. Lindemann and O. Waldhorst, Epidemic Dissemination of Presence Information in Mobile Instant Messaging Systems, Proc. 14. GI / ITG Fachtagung Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS 2005), Kaiserslautern, Germany, 29-40, Februar 2005. PDF
A. Klemm, C. Lindemann, M. Vernon, and O. Waldhorst, Characterizing the Query Behavior in Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Systems, Proc. Internet Measurement Conference (IMC 2004), Taormina, Italy, October 2004. PDF, trace data
A. Klemm, C. Lindemann, and O. Waldhorst, Peer-to-peer Computing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Performance Tools and Applications to Networked Systems, E. Gelenbe and M. Calzarossa (Eds.), LNCS 2965, Springer-Verlag 2004.
A. Klemm, C. Lindemann, and O. Waldhorst, Relating Query Popularity and File Replication in the Gnutella Peer-to-Peer Network, Proc. 12th GI/ITG Conf. on Measuring, Modelling and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems (MMB 2004), Dresden, Germany, September 2004. PDF
A. Klemm, C. Lindemann, and O. Waldhorst, A Special-Purpose Peer-to-Peer File Sharing System for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Proc. IEEE Semiannual Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2003-Fall), Orlando, FL, October 2003. PDF
C. Lindemann, O. Waldhorst, Consistency Mechanisms for a Distributed Lookup Service supporting Mobile Applications, 3rd Int. ACM Workshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile Access (MobiDE 2003), San Diego, CA, 61-68, September 2003. PDF
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